Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Autism x 6: How Do We Do It?

We've been getting this question a lot recently in emails. And it is a question that we've been getting from day one. My wife is the glue that holds us together and works hard to make our family feel more 'normal'.

We both grew up not knowing what a special needs family was. The last few years have been a crash course, near literally. We are not perfect or have any unusual talents that help us make it though each day. We just plug along and do the best we can.

Some days it is overwhelming and maybe we escape with too many DVD rentals or midnight snacks, but you do what you have to do to maintain your sanity.

No one asks for challenges like these precious angels bring to a family. However, we figured that God must really want to straighten us out to have given us six children with Autism. I feel they are here mainly for us to learn from them, instead of the other way around.

We used to complain a lot more (i.e. not enough money, need a home of our own, etc) but we are getting better. Hey! It looks like the children are doing a good job with us after all.

They are the special ones. Me? I'm just the Dad.


cameramom said...

So true! My son has taught us all how to have fun and how to improvise under pressure. I always say my boys are special. You guys are awesome!!

Lynn Stallworth said...

We have twin autistic boys and I learn something from them everyday. Although somedays it doesn't quite feel like it, I KNOW my patience has grown leaps and bounds since having them.